Guests of Honour

Дмитрий Глуховский
Dmitry Glukhovsky, winner of the "Encouragement Award of the European Science Fiction Society" at Eurocon 2007, has cancelled his attendance.

Reading suggestions:
Metro 2033

Justina Robson
Justina Robson – author of e.g. Silver Screen, Natural History and the Quantum Gravity series – is one of the guests of honour at Condense.

At the Swedish SF-bookstore
Justina Robsons website

[Nene Ormes]
Nene Ormes
Nene Ormes – author of Udda verklighet – is one of the guests of honour on Condense.

Nene Ormes on Wordpress (Swedish)
Nene Ormes on Livejournal (English)